Pay it Forward SA

Pay it Forward provides the sober living piece on the Haven campus for individuals who have completed substance-use treatment. 

NAMI San Antonio

NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. 

Magik Theater

Magik Theater classes at Haven are about helping young people find their voice and power through theatre. 

Life Skills for Living

Life Skills for Living provides anger management, stress management, conflict resolution, relationship enhancement, and basic financial management to homeless individuals. 

Family Violence Prevention Services

Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. provides a Community Based Counseling Program at Haven for Hope and provides mental health counseling for adults and children as well as Rapid Rehousing to survivors of domestic violence. 


Endeavors partners with Haven to locate clients for housing programs. 

City of SA Police Department

SAPD HOPE Team provides outreach, navigation to Haven for Hope and ID recovery; SAPD patrol unit provides patrol of the surrounding area and support to Haven.

City of SA Municipal Court

City of San Antonio Municipal Court

The City of San Antonio Municipal Court provides clearance of warrants, procurement of identification cards, and referral support for clients with alcohol and drug issues.